
Individual Support

One to one training

Schools Intensive Support - Mentoring for parents and school staff

Exclusion Prevention

Having a child at danger of exclusion can be stressful for parents, the child and family as whole. You can feel like you are the only one that is happening too. But this isn’t your fault. At Neuroteachers we have a proven track record of helping prevent exclusion..

To receive Catrina’s peer reviewed paper in Good Autism Practice  on this topic follow the link here.

Exclusion Prevention

School Refusal

Emotionally  Based Emotionally  Based School Avoidance (EBSA), sometimes know as school refusal, is never an active choice. If your child or pupil is experiencing periods of persistent absence due to high levels of anxiety, you may benefit from intensive support. We can help you to understand the causes of this form of absenteeism.  Let us help you to identify barriers to accessing education and find ways to remove them.

To receive Catrina’s peer reviewed paper in Good Autism Practice on this topic click the download button.

These packages typically include; 3 online family support meetings, 3 online school support meetings, screeners and assessment, development of a consistent behaviour support plan and risk assessment and an attending annual review of Team Around The Child (TAC). In some cases a visit to the school for a behaviour/ anxiety/ sensory observation may also be necessary.

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