
Neuroteachers Training

Training in neurodiversity, autism, adhd, dyslexia, dyspraxia and co-occuring conditions for nurseries, schools and colleges.

At Neuroteachers, we understand how time and resource poor schools, colleges and nurseries are. You need simple, practical solutions for managing behaviour through understanding sensory processing, executive function and social communication. We are experts in reducing exclusion and approving attendance whilst raising academic attainment in neurodivergent pupils with a range of needs. Let us show you how you can gain confidence through knowledge which you can learn today and put into practice tomorrow. We can help you tweak your existing skills to make your lessons more accessible without creating more work.


Typically 1 hour at an inset day or conference

Celebrating Neurodiversity – what that means in your classroom 

Dropping the Mask – allowing your neurodivergent learner to be their authentic self through meaningful social interaction

What is…

typically 45 minutes plus Q and A

What is Neurodiversity?

What is Autism?

What is ADHD?

What is Dyslexia? 

What is Dyspraxia

What is Dyscalculia?

What is Developmental Language Delay?

What is OCD?


Typically 2 hours 

Neurodiversity, Differentiation and Adaptive Teaching

Neurodiversity and Communication

Neurodiversity and Sensory Processing

Neurodiversity, Behaviour and Dysregulation

Neurodiversity and Gender

Neurodiverisity and Anxiety

Neurodiversity and Digital Safety and Wellbeing

Advanced training

Typically ½ day

Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance  – A persuasive desire for autonomy

 Understanding Emotionally Based School Avoidance – This is not school refusal

Understanding Anxiety – Behaviour is communication

Understanding Challenging, Disruptive and Distressed Behaviour – Alternatives to exclusion and managing The Red Zone

culture change
autism neurodivergent mentor

Neurodiversity Events For Sencos/Alncs Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Parents

Neuroteachers offer simple, practical solutions about neuroinclusion for your autistic, adhd, dyspraxic, dyslexic, neurodivergent pupil.  

Our range of open access online events and workshops are available to book now. All events are suitable for teachers at all levels from head teachers to senior leaders to classroom teachers and teaching assistants. Each offers the most up to date research on a current thinking and evidence in neurodiversity education. These are taught in a workshop format so that you can have your questions answered personally.

Popular topics include

Managing The Red Zone Understanding Anger, Dysregulation and Distress

Supporting Your Pathological Demand Avoidant Child

Meaningful Social interaction without Masking 

Emotionally Based School Avoidance

Situational (not selective) Mutism

Anxiety and Additional Needs

Relational Practice – Schools

Catrina is a trained specialist lead Trainer with Positive regard

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