

Differentiation tip 5

Neurodiversity in Schools Differentiation tip 5

Neurodiversity in Schools Differentiation tip 5 Prioritisation: which exercise question or task to select for your Neurodivergent pupil No, we are not going to ‘dumb down’ the task for our ND learners. This isn’t ‘all, most, some’ or ‘death by 100 worksheets’. It’s looking at the materials, tasks and skills and thinking which parts of the learning […]

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differentiation tips

Neurodiversity in Schools Differentiation Tip 4

Differentiation tip 4 4. Staging of the task for your neurodivergent learners If you want to know more about ‘staging of the task’ and how that helps neurodivergent pupils in a mainstream classroom, you have come to the right place! What is ‘staging the task?’ This means laying out the task in an accessible manner

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