

Differentiation for your neurodivergent learner

Differentiation for your neurodivergent learner tip 1

Adjust the rate of information and allow processing time During my 23 years of teaching, the one thing that has made the greatest difference to both learning and behaviour in my classroom has been allowing processing time. This can be done by adjusting the rate of information or giving more time and space to process,

Differentiation for your neurodivergent learner tip 1 Read More »

Five Easy Steps to Recruiting Neurodivergent Educators

Five Easy Steps to Recruiting Neurodivergent Educators

Five Easy Steps to Recruiting Neurodivergent Educators Catrina Lowri is a neurodivergent (ND) teacher, trainer, and coach. As well as having 22 years’ experience of working in education, she also speaks as a dyslexic and bipolar woman, who had her own unique journey through the education system. I recently spoke at a conference for the

Five Easy Steps to Recruiting Neurodivergent Educators Read More »

letters all coming together for a dyslexic teacher

Why I pretended my dyslexia wasn’t a big deal- My experiences as a dyslexic teacher.

My experiences as a dyslexic teacher When I had already been teaching for about 10 years, I met a pair of grandparents at a friend’s barbecue. They had just received some devastating news; their 9-year-old grandson had been diagnosed with dyslexia. They told me this in hushed voices, as if they were ashamed. Although, their

Why I pretended my dyslexia wasn’t a big deal- My experiences as a dyslexic teacher. Read More »

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