
Inclusive education

Differentiation tip 5

Neurodiversity in Schools Differentiation tip 5

Neurodiversity in Schools Differentiation tip 5 Prioritisation: which exercise question or task to select for your Neurodivergent pupil No, we are not going to ‘dumb down’ the task for our ND learners. This isn’t ‘all, most, some’ or ‘death by 100 worksheets’. It’s looking at the materials, tasks and skills and thinking which parts of the learning […]

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differentiation tips

Neurodiversity in Schools Differentiation Tip 4

Differentiation tip 4 4. Staging of the task for your neurodivergent learners If you want to know more about ‘staging of the task’ and how that helps neurodivergent pupils in a mainstream classroom, you have come to the right place! What is ‘staging the task?’ This means laying out the task in an accessible manner

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challenging behaviour

Understanding Challenging Behaviour in your Neurodivergent Pupil

What is Challenging Behaviour? When understanding behaviour in our neurodivergent pupils, it is important to note that many people mistake challenging and disruptive behaviour. It is important to know the difference between the two. This is because the way in which you deal with them is subtly different. I’ll be writing a series of blogs

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sensory overwhelm

Neurodiversity in Schools and Behaviour

What are Challenging and Disruptive Behaviour in Neurodivergent Children? This blog is the first in a series about behaviour and neurodivergent children. I’m going explain how to understand what is going on when our neurodivergent pupils present as challenging and disruptive and what you can do about them. I’m not just providing ‘top tips’ I’m going to give

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clear instructions

Colin and the F words – The importance of giving clear instructions

The importance of giving clear instructions Have you ever made a really big mistake that you knew was your fault? I think I have made countless errors in my teaching career, but few stick in my memory so clearly as the time Colin, a year 8 student with autism and global delay, wrote the F

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behaviour is communication

When is behaviour communication? (always)

When is behaviour communication? The topic of behaviour is deeply controversial. Amongst autistic advocates the word is best avoided, and rightly so. Many have had years of others trying to make the behave more like neurotypical people.Amongst some well-known, mainstream educational influencers the idea that behaviour is communication is set aside in favour of the

When is behaviour communication? (always) Read More »

A controversial blog about behaviour part 3 – Punishments and Rewards don’t work, so don’t use them.

Punishments and Rewards don’t work, so don’t use them. This is the 3rd part of my series of blogs on behaviour. I have promised to talk more about how I became a relational practitioner. And I will get to that, but first let’s deal with punishments and rewards, and why they do not work to

A controversial blog about behaviour part 3 – Punishments and Rewards don’t work, so don’t use them. Read More »

recovering behaviourist

A controversial blog about behaviour – Part 2

Confessions of a recovering behaviourist Catrina Lowri is a neurodivergent teacher, trainer, and coach. As well as having 22 years’ experience of working in education, she also speaks as a dyslexic and bipolar woman, who had her own unique journey through the education system This is the second blog in the series called ‘ A controversial blog about

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